Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Ranking "Trailer Park Boys: Animated Series" Episodes

Trailer Park Boys has been my go-to series for a good time in front of TV without even have to think about what happens next. All episodes are available in Netflix and it's just pure insanity of a mockumentary taken to the next level. 

After 12 seasons, the boys decided to do something different...an animated series. Maybe it was the untimely death of John Dunsworth (RIP Liquor God) or just some creative decisions but fans are here for it.

My first reaction when images and trailer were released was "let's watch the entire series before making any judgement." Thank you liquor chugging Lahey I didn't made any judgement because the series was actually fun. Of course it's not perfect but you have the same vibe just like watching the series. 

But not all episodes are the same. In my opinion, there are episodes that can be fun for re-watch and others are just there for extending the story. Don't get me wrong though: I like the series but if I were to rank from the not-so-good to the best episode, here's my hot take:

(warning: minor spoilers)

10. Space Weed (Episode 8)

Yeah, the title itself should tell you what happened to the boys. Ricky's uncanny ability to grow weed landed them in space. Maybe they're just stretching their imagination through animation and callbacks to their US adventures but ending it without anything to gain especially for Bubbles is just odd.

9. Stanley Bong (Episode 3)

Kidnapping celebrities to do their bidding is nothing new in TPB and this episode mixes Ricky's other love: hockey. The Stanley Bong may have been an amazing prop in actual life but the guys they play against are just there for one particular episode. It would have been amazing if they're like Cyrus or Sam who appears out of nowhere and then wrecks stuff up.

8. The Three Mustardteers (Episode 6)

Look, I'm all for origin stories but explaining how they met for the first time should have been shown in real life. Plus the kid who gets entangled with Bubbles was also just a prop they have to deal with. 

7. Trailerstock (Episode 10)

The best thing about this episode is the fact that Ricky's grandson Mo is probably going to have a bigger role in the coming season. The story about getting their trailer being sold as a cattle ranch is fun while it lasted and the appearance of some rock stars really bumps the quality of the finale.

6. Satan's Bastards (Episode 7) 

Handling Cyrus' new gang is an adventure in this one-off challenge to the boys. Huge plus to Donnie who gets his ass dragged around the park narrating his pain like he's just an angry dude wailing at everyone.

5. Hurricane Ricky (Episode 9)

An insane episode involving the forces of nature, a house full of batteries and a dive through the river. A must watch just for the heck of it.

4. Pepperoni Cobra (Episode 2) 

After watching this episode, I was thinking they'll push the ante in the series because they can do stuff not possible in real life. This is a fair warning for things to come..in a fun way.

3. Long Story Short (Episode 1) 

Still can't believe they named the episode after Sam's predicament but it's insanity is in the next level with all the things they could do even some of it is blurred.

2. Big Ho's Carwash (Episode 5) 

If the animated series is translated into real-life version, this would be the closest they could get. The insane, borderline illegal stuff Ricky and Julian's antics with Bubble's struggles are just too real. 

1. The Penis Milker (Episode 4) 

Yep. The name says it all. The ride was fun and the ending was all so satisfying which is kinda gross if you think about it.

So what do you think? Sound off!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flash Review: Land of the Lost Review

Land of the Lost is a remake of a popular children's movie during the 70s. I wish I could say more about the original but I never saw it. But that doesn't mean a review is not supposed to be done.

There are two sides of the coin in this movie and there will be two groups who will watch it: those who like it and those who will not like (or hate) it. I have to be part of the first group since I personally like it. Maybe because I haven't watched the original series which means I don't have any frame of reference. Those who don't like it on the other hand will surely complain that the main character is not the same as the original Dr. Rick Marshall.

But still, the movie is funny has a few surprises and can give you a great time. On the other hand, there are some troubling times in the movie. Sometimes the characters are just pushing for some skits that do not really have a good effect on the movie (a bit spoiler on the crab). It can be a bit frustrating for those who wanted to have good laughs. What I was surprised was that there are actually instances that will make you jump on your chair.

Overall, the movie is good for kids and parents. I don't know if there's really a moral to the story but I don't think that anyone watching this will really complain in getting their lost 1.5 hours.


Wiki (warning spoilers)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Flash Review: Black Snake Moan

I was fortunate enough to rent "Black Snake Moan" on DVD last weekend. I tried to watch it again for this review and fortunate not just because of possibly reviewing it but enjoying the story.

Set on the South, "Black Snake Moan" is a story of an African American taking care of a Caucasian with a bad reputation. The resolution is not that easy but it's very gripping. The movie stars Samuel L. Jackosn, Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake. It's not a movie for kids since the message is for adults. Sometimes discpline needs some heavy chains in order to be implemented. In this case, literally.

There are many things that can get anyone interseted in the movie. Seeing Christina Ricci in this movie is very interesting. Samuel L. Jackson is not your regular cool guy as a takes on a great role to be the villain/hero. Justin Timberlake is also not your regular cool guy. The message and mix up of the story is not that simple. You just have to feel sorry for Ricci as she has to go through a lot of sob stories in the movie. Ultimately, you have to thank only yourself for finishing the movie as you learned many lessons why some can't just get the message easily.

As a music lover, what I like most about the movie is the amazing soundtrack. They say Samuel L. Jackson learned to play guitar to have a good performance in this bit and as a guitar player, it's good to see his hands are well placed in the guitar.

Great movie, great music. 'nuff said.



Friday, October 16, 2009

Flash Review: GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra

I was born in the 80s so I can say that I was there when they presented GI Joe in animation. Just like any kid my age, I was excited to see them on TV and kinda angry everytime I see the nemesis and rejoiced when the good guys arrive.

Having said this, I have mixed feelings when I saw the movie in theaters. I know they have awesome effects and the action is actually not bad but something is being pushed here.

They are pushing for a sequel. Yep, it's not a spoiler but they are simply thinking of making more money out of the story.

In gist, the movie is a presentation on how the feud started. They presented the background of every major character and added a few twists in the end. If you're not familiar with the original animation, then this movie is a great start to know the "Joes" as they say it.

There are people who complained about the "suit" since they are not seen in the original animation. This is what I have to say, the suit is surprisingly not a big part of the story so quit whining about it. It's just part of the plot so they can cover some holes and even make it more futuristic.

But the fact still remains: they are just trying to make a movie so that it can become a franchise. On the other hand, the part of me loves the action so my thoughts on the movie re mixed. I just wish the next "Joe" will not have the forced set-up for part 3.


Official Site

Wiki (warning spoilers)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Movie Fight: House of Thousand Corpses and Devil's Rejects

As you may have read in my previous reviews, I'm a big fan of Rob Zombie. These are his two pet projects that I love to watch especially when I feel really depressed and just want to be angry some more. They show you the scary side of being human as these movies are no holds barred when it comes to violence.

If you allow me to choose between the two, I like the first movie better (House of Thousand Corpses). The sequel is still great but it has transformed into a bit of trickery and gore. There are no new revelations about the main characters as they just try to go on a killing spree. But then again, these are two great movies that seemed to fit the fans of Rob Zombie.

The only challenging part for me is that the movie, you may not believe it, ultimately can force you to skip forward and know what happened to the hunted. If you have this urge: don't. There are too many good scenes to be ignored. This is where the House of Thousand Corposes lacks and Devil's Rejects rejoices. The latter movie was just plain scary since it will place you in very dangerous situations. The first movie was haunting as you do not know how evil these guys can get.

Overall, these are two great movies that should be watched in the Holloween weekend. Careful though, these movies are not made for the squimish. If you were able to watch Ilsa the Wolf of SS without any problem, they you can watch (and appreciate) the movie.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flash Review: Hamlet 2

Southpark is one of the most culturally sensitive cartoons ever. But that sensitivity is not based on shying away from topics as this sensitivity is pure embracement while making it funny. And many people (including me) likes this setting. It's like getting a 101 in pop culture everytime the new episode is up.

Why am I talking about Southpark for Hamlet 2? Because Hamlet 2 reminds me of the cartoons. With that said, Hamlet 2 tries to embrace every awkward subject no one wants to talk about and made it into a musical. "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" is a great song but can be very offensive to others.

Anyway, the movie is not going to be the best movie in the decade but it sure is funny. Steve Coogan is not just your run-of-the-mill comedian, original and basking in awkwardness, you just don't see a lot of them anymore. Actually, pulling off a comedy based on awkwardness is very rare and some actors are really good at it even though they don't exert an effort.

Great movie, funny plot, awesome music.


Wiki (warning spoilers)

Flash Review: Strange Wilderness

I don't understand critics or may I just don't understand what a good movie should be. Anyway, Strange Wilderness is a movie which stars Steve Zahn. I think this movie (along with Management) cements his reputation that he's better off as a sidekick rather than main character.

But his awkwardness and scene stealing function as a side kick is what makes Strange Wilderness a good movie to watch on a weekend. The plot is pretty hazy but it's basically on finding Bigfoot - hilarity ensues.

Overall, the movie doesn't disappoint. I like it that there's no mushy moments in a comedy. The ending is really, really weird though.

